Daniel Simmons
Born March 21, 1995
age 14, and in 9th grade
I definitely look up to this guy now and he is close to half my age. I usually don't care much about celebrity children and their ability to buy whatever they see in a magazine. Diggy is different. He not only can afford the clothes, but he understands and appreciates high fashion. With that said, I have followed him from his start till now. He has become accepted amongst the fashion elite and has gained spots on the front row of many shows
[The front row can't always be bought with fame or money, many designers make you earn it!] To learn more about this click [HERE]
He is currently working on his Fall 2010 collection under the tutelage of Pharrell Williams. I look forward to seeing it because that will be his launch to the top. He has a vast knowledge of fashion at the age of 14. By the age of 20, his brand will be formidable and his name will probably be legendary.
i wanna b like diggy when i grow up
i wanna be Diggy's main chick when I grow up
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